In our hotel, you will find a state of the art treatment centre with specialised therapists.
In our Hotel, the treatment and rehabilitation division is equipped with some cutting edge thermal installations which you will be able to reach, wearing your bathrobe, directly from your room using the elevator. Everything is under the supervision of our sanitary director, who will advise you on the number and the length of your treatments.
This procedure is in the care of experienced staff who follow the therapeutic indications of the thermal doctor; after the application of mud, the guest is wrapped up in sheets and blankets in order to reduce heat loss.
To complete the treatment, the guest plunges in the bath for the balneotherapy; the bath is filled with thermal water at 36/38°C. The thermal bath works as a vasodilator and has a muscle relaxant effect.
Ozone amplifies the muscle relaxing and analgesic effects of balneotherapy in a thermal pool. In addition, it cleanses the skin and activates epidermal renewal.
We recommend this time of rest, where the guest lies down in the warmth, allowing his body to take full advantage of the benefits induced by the mud therapy. The most noticeable effect is an intense perspiration.
While the muscles are still warm, the therapist can perform a deep manipulation of the guest’s body. The massage improves blood circulation, restores mobility, and helps the elimination of waste.
Discover our Stay and therapy packages (forfait)
The European Patent No. 1571203 protects and guarantees the presence in thermal mud of numerous active ingredients, naturally produced during the ageing process when correctly regulated. Scientific research at the Pietro d’Abano Thermal Studies Center, owner of the patent, has allowed identifying them and shown the efficaciousness in treating chronic and degenerative inflammatory pathologies, in particular of osteoarticular origin.